The Austrian Grind-Machine MASTIC SCUM strikes back with a new output. In collaboration with the Grindheads HEAD CLEANER from Greece a split 7'' with new tracks from both bands.
Dirty Wombs are back with their first full length and a Euro tour. A mix of Greek and English lyrics and an amazing cover as usual!!! 300 lmtd.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse unite to descent in total darkness!!! Featuring one unreleased track of each band! Limited to 500 copies!
Athens fastcore powerviolence finest. Ten new songs. Lmtd 250 on black vinyl.
This is the forth vinyl release of the Greek D-Beat leaders HELLSTORM and the first as a 7''. HELLSTORM 's new 7'' includes two D-Beat/Crust, Stench Core tracks with a BOLT THROWER and SLAYER touch. Lmtd 500 on black vinyl.